Anime Royale Wiki
Anime Royale Wiki

There are currently Three main currencies and one event currency, them being GemsGemsGem, GoldGoldGold,Raid CrystalRaid CrystalRaid Crystals,PumpkinsPumpkinsPumpkins. They are used to purchase a variety of things in the game.


Gems are one of the most important currencies in Anime Adventures, as they are used to obtain powerful Units. They can be obtained by completing Quests, Story Mode missions, Doing Raids, waves in Infinite Modes, redeeming Codes, staying in the Time Machine, logging in daily and buying them with Robux.


Gold can be used for evolving units or for buying items from the merchant. You can most commonly get it from playing the game, from selling spare units, the Time Machine, or other alternatives.

Raid CrystalsRaid CrystalsRaid Crystals

Raid Crystals can be used to buy things from the raid shop


Candy can be used for buying Halloween capsules, Trait rerolls, and candy, You can only get it from playing the Halloween event located in legend stages
