Anime Royale Wiki
Anime Royale Wiki

Summon is an area in the lobby where players can obtain towers. It is located to the left of the Story area.

Please note that not every Mythic is exactly good. If you've saved up gems, it's suggested to look at the tierlist


Each summon will cost you 5050Gem (4040Gem with the VIP Gamepass). Every hour the banner will be refreshed with random units, 3 Rare, 1 Epic, Legendary and Mythic.

When summoning you will build up Pity, with each summon you will accumulate 2% Legendary, 25002500Gem (20002000Gem if VIP), and 0.25% Mythic Pity, 20k20kGem (16k16kGem if VIP). Accumulating 100% Pity will grant you a guaranteed unit from the corresponding rarity.

Pulling a Legendary or Mythic character at any point whilst summoning will reset the corresponding Pity back to 0. Pity will carry over to the next banners you'll face.

Special Banner

special banner is similar to normal banner how ever you can get any towers from it that has the ability to appear in normal banner, the 3 mythicals that appear have a higher chance of being obtained compared to the rest of the mythicals
