added the royal pass which included: 4 towers
and a bunch of rewards
added: 7 new units
1 secret
3 mythicals
new mode in legend stages
new limited time capsuls bought from halloween shop
-13 New Units
-3 New Evos
-1 New Secret
- New Community Rift
- New Lobby
- New Story Map
- New Raid Map
- New Game mode [Challenge]
- New Evolution Items
- New Cosmetics
- New Currency [Raid Crystal]
- New status effect [Bloodloss]
- Stats Potential
- Curses
- Special Banner
- Merchant
- Raid Shop
- Abilities
- Passives for secret units
- Emotes
- Profile
- Titles
- Console Support / Controller Support
-Removed Raid Ticket for raids
-Added Replay button to raids
- x2 speed for ALL gamemodes
- Rifts will spawn every 10 minutes instead of 30 minutes during Week-Ends
- Unit will show max range while in placing mode
- Hovering on upgrade button will show next range of unit
- Hovering on unit will show an highlight around them and hide the range bubble
- Unit manager ui to manage your units without having to look for them on the map
- New background and border for Units/Items
- Summoned units now show at the top of the screen when summoning
- Evolutions gives rewards
- New circle and full aoe design
- Fixed fake quest notification (maybe)
- Fixed cosmetics
- Fixed Kirito Evo level up bug
- Fixed end game buttons not working sometimes
-Fixed Challenges not giving the right reward
- Update2 - SpookySeasonUpdate1
+1 Story Map
+1 Raid Map
+1 Rift Map
+10 New Units
1 Secret
2 Evos
Trait Golem enemy (special class, doesn't deal damage to base, has a chance to appear in infinite mode, drops some trait rerolls)
New status effect "Frostbite"
Increased Unit level cap by 5
Buffed shiny rate by 10x in banner
Added x1.5, x2 speed to Rifts
Status effect image shown on enemies
Leave Match button in battle
Flying only unit target mode
Unit stat display on mouse hover
Map teleport screen gui
You can now refresh your quests using robux
Added BONUS infinite rewards display (for example bonus trait drop display from trait golem)
Upgrade gui status effect image multiplying
Fixed rift quests rewarding even if you lost
Fixed quest refreshing giving less than max quests sometimes
Fixed blessing not unequipping
Fixed blessing animations staying after blessing unequipped
Multiple other bug fixes
Battle place FPS optimisation
Removed Jotero's second attack knockback to prevent infinite wave locking
Infinite gamemode Boss health increses even higher every 10 waves
Bosses after getting CC'ed (timestop, stun, freeze) are immune of being CC'ed again for the next 5 seconds
Changed Rift lifetime from 5 mins to 10 mins